VULCAPLANT produces and distributes volcanic mineral substrates and inert volcanic amendments for vegetation in general; specifically for nurseries, ornamental crops, winegrowing, fruit growing, horticulture and extreme vegetation (green roofs, vertical gardens, sound absorbing barriers).

The volcanic mineral substrates we produce represent a technological innovation in the nursery, ornamental plant, horticulture and floriculture sectors at all stages of production. Indeed, they have created a veritable revolution in these industries.

Main characteristics of the volcanic mineral substrates.

Our concept of substrate is based as may be inferred, on the use of mineral elements, with variable granulometry, in the overall  composition. This brings a series of incalculable benefits for the present and future life of our plants and in particular for what is fundamental to a plant's life: the roots.

These substrates have the great merit of favouring rhizogenesis, that is, the whole life process of a plant's root system, since volcanic minerals, lapillus (vulcanite), are elements with a vesicular structure (imparting a sponge-like appearance), which means not only higher water retention but also drainage of excess irrigation water.

The latter creates problemes of stagnation substrates of completely organic origin which in turn leads to root  asphyxia and the onset of diseases of varying severity.

By virtue of these two fundamental qualities a plant will suffer from water stress later under drought conditions, thanks  to the visicular structure of minerals (osmotic process) and under the opposite conditions stagnation is eliminated thanks to the stability of the completely mineral granulometric structure.

In the presence of substrates of organic origin (e.g. peaty substrates) we will see a change in the structure over time, since the microbial flora present in all soils uses the organic part to continue its life cycle, which inevitably causes the structure as a whole to change and thus reduces the element that is most important for the life of roots, namely air, whereas volcanic mineral substrates increase it.

Volcanic minerals substrates increase the presence of air within them thanks to the vesicular nature of the individual granules and the fact that their structure does not change over time. This favours a situation in which the growing root will exploit the whole volume of the substrate from inside to outside, as can be easily seen in potted plants, where roots in an organic substrate tend immediately to grow towards the edges to seek air, thus limiting the overall development of the physicochemical characteristics which are promoted by volcanic mineral substrates.

In volcanic minerals and lapillus in particular, it is possible to find macro elements such as phosphorus and potassium and trace elements such as iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and molybdenum. These macro and trace elements are in a water-insoluble mineral form, but thanks to the soil microbial flora  we add, we can make them soluble and therefore available for use by roots for the plant's growth.

These substrates are also, endowed with excellent capillarity as well as colloidal power, and drainage capabilities and favour the osmotic process; They are extremely resistant to wind erosion as well as treading and water leaching.

Use of volcanic mineral substrates.

As mentioned earlier, by virtue of their characteristics these substrates can be applied at every stage , from sowing to radication, and continue as a growing substrates for all plants species in containers or soilless culture. they have revealed to be  exceptional for seeding turf of any kind and for any type of use, in sound-absorbing barriers, green roofs and roof gardens, for the planting of large and small trees.

Given their physicochemical characteristics they can also be used to improve soil structure and in the recovery of existing trees, to form drainage layers and remedy water stagnation in level ground,  fill in hollows and cracks that form in the ground and finally, for vegetation grown in extreme conditions (vegetation with minimal soil depth and no artificial irrigation).